Attorney Bios
Donald A. Green, Esq., is licensed to practice law in the states of California and Oregon. He believes in representing the defenseless and fighting for the underdog. As principal of the Law Offices of Donald A. Green, he steers the ship clear of representing big businesses, insurance companies, or creditors. The practice is 100% devoted to consumer rights, consumer protection, prosecution of wrongdoing by big business and insurance,, and defense of the individual. Mr. Green believes that it is only through understanding and empathizing with clients can he really represent them. He therefore strives to be personally involved with every client at all stages of their representation.
Mr. Green obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University, and his Master’s degree from Cornell’s prestigious Sloan program in Health Services Administration. He earned his law degree from Whittier Law School. He spent nearly a decade in mid- and senior management in the health care industry, much of which was while he was attending law school. This background contributed to his commitment to the individual and is a significant value-added benefit for his practice in personal injury, medical malpractice, and debt rights and litigation. He is also a graduate of Trial Lawyers College and an active member of COnsumer Attorneys of San Diego.