Being an in an auto accident can be very jarring. After all, not only do you have to be concerned with whether or not you have suffered personal injuries but you also have to take into account what this will mean for you in the future. Having a vehicle that is extremely damaged or even totaled can affect your planning when it comes to getting to your place of work, running errands and simply being able to fulfill various other responsibilities in your life. This situation becomes even more complicated when you find out that the driver who hit you is not insured. In order to navigate this situation effectively and quickly we have compiled a few tips for your to follow below.

  1. Explore your own insurance policy.dreamstime_xxl_36154224

    With so many options when it comes to the type of car insurance you can purchase, many people are unaware of what their personal insurance policy covers until they actually have to use it. Ideally your policy will include uninsured motorist coverage which is designed specifically to protect you in instances like this one. This type of coverage tends to be a bit on the expensive side, but you will sure be happy you have it when you are hit by an uninsured driver.

  2. If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage…

    On the other hand, if you are without uninsured motorist coverage, it will require you to do a bit of investigating to prove that the driver of the car that hit you was at fault, causing the wreck and that they had no auto insurance at the time of the accident. You can then provide this information to your lawyer should you decide to move forward with the charges.

  3. Making the uninsured driver pay anyway.

    While it is not ideal, depending on your situation you may be able to find a lawyer to represent you and help you get the money you are owed.  While there is truly no guarantee, a good litigator like the ones at the Law Offices of Donald A. Green will do everything in their power to help you get the settlement you deserve.

If you have been injured in a car accident and need an attorney who will fight for you, contact our law office today to make an appointment!