1. Are You Familiar with Employment Law?

    The Law Offices of Donald A. Green handles many cases involving employment law. If you are unfamiliar with what employment law is, we would like to give you a bit more information. In layman’s terms, employment law involves any case that concerns an employer and their employee. There are many different facets of this sort of law as it can benefit either party depending on what the specifics of t…Read More

  2. Choosing the Right Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Deciding to declare bankruptcy is not a decision anyone comes upon lightly. It is, however, something that has to be done from time to time to ensure you can get back in a decent financial standing in the future. Once you know you are going to have to file for bankruptcy, your first step should be to begin looking for a good bankruptcy attorney. How do you know a good bankruptcy lawyer from a bad …Read More

  3. Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer For You

    When you are injured in a car accident or at a place of business, it is important that you take action right away against the negligent party. This means finding a lawyer who will keep your best interest in mind and who will also get you the settlement you deserve. In order to ensure that you get everything you need out of your attorney, we have put together a list of things to look for in potenti…Read More